Plugin concepts

Inbound pluginPlugin that grabs data from an external source.
Listener pluginInbound plugin that waits for an external source to push data into 1Gateway.
Outbound pluginPlugin that publishes data to an external source.
PluginConnection between an external product and 1Gateway core.
Poller pluginInbound plugin that polls for data from an external source in an interval. The interval is configurable for each poller plugin
Plugin queueOutbound plugin that an external source can subscribe to to get messages.
1Gateway queueWhere messages are stored temporarily for processing. There is a queue for each outbound plugin
Sender pluginOutbound plugin that sends data (messages) from 1Gateway to an external product.

  • Poller
  • Listener
  • Sender
  • Plugin queue

Message / data concepts

Composite messageA message composed of multiple messages. These messages are the message when it comes out of a listener plugin, after it’s mapped to a normalized message and after it’s mapped to the sender format.
MessageA piece of information (can be an alarm, metric, incident, etc.) that travels from one endpoint into 1Gateway and to another endpoint.
Normalized messageMetric, event or incident. A normalized message format by convention that can be processed by any plugin.
Simple messageA message that hasn’t been mapped with a mapper.

Mapper concepts

FilterA piece of configuration that can be present in a plugin or in a mapper that acts as a message filter.
MapperA piece of configuration that represents the translation between one message type to another. It translates all the relevant fields of the message.
MappingA piece of configuration included in the mapper that represents the translation of one message field.