
Version: 2.5.6

Bug fixes

Fixed bug during installation where filters did not get loaded from catalog installed from data/install


Version: 2.5.5

New features

Adding details from InvalidMessageException to the DLQ message

Bug fixes

Fixed ConcurrentModificationException in MessageUpdatesProcessor

Fixed ConcurrentMessageException in track_updates

Fixed issue where last message timestamp didn't get substituted correctly


Version: 2.5.4

New features

Added support for regexes in preprocess mappings

Serializing track-updates messages to disk

Added possibility to filter on field inside object or array

Changed behavior of filters in regex mappings: now only relative to the parent of the from field

Changed the DLQ behaviour - it now publishes a message with subject "Undeliverable"


Version: 2.5.3

New features

When installing a plugincfg (configuration), the plugin is automatically activated

New functionality of installing config items:

  • Install in main if it doesn't exist
  • Install in staging if it exists

Added dynamic load of jarfile on installation

Bug fixes

UI slowdown - Changed InvalidMessages list to an evicting queue to avoid large payload in info/full ws

Made PDO serializable to avoid errors in rest plugins

Fixed bug where you couldn't have 2 enrichment mappings with the same from and to fields

Fixed bug where sometimes login would keep failing until you restart 1Gateway

Keeping copies of installed files in data/catalog/archive; fixed first-startup install sequence.


Version 2.5 of 1Gateway released

New features

New PluginSDK

Added WS to empty queue and take msg from queue (removes the msg from the queue by commiting it)

To use it: curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8090/ws/rest/queue/TestSD sender/take?token=***'

Enhanced error handling on plugins

Not stopping plugin on transient error exception. We keep queueing and retry sending the current msg

Added new mapping type key2json 

To use it, set the type to key2json and everything inside the "from" key will be converted to json in the "to" field

Changed installer so uploaded files go straight to main area

Bug fixes

Fixed error in detail parameter in SendWS (/ws/rest/send?detail=n)