
The 1Gateway for Servicetrace APM to Dynatrace solution collects response time metrics from Servicetrace APM and sends them to Dynatrace as Synthetic Tests. It retrieves scheduled workflow run results by polling the Servicetrace database periodically for new results. 

Dynatrace does not accept data older than 2 hours, so for best results, leave the solution running 24x7. 


  1. Install 1Gateway
  2. Install plugins and licenses package
  3. Restart 1Gateway
  4. Configure Dynatrace Sender plugin
  5. Configure Servicetrace APM Listener plugin


The Servicetrace APM - Dynatrace integration uses two plugins:

The Servicetrace APM (STAPM) listener plugin polls for new alarms from Servicetrace APM and sends them to 1Gateway. 

The Dynatrace sender inserts external tests and its results into Dynatrace using the External Synthetic API.


First install 1Gateway on the APM WIndows server.

Run the windows installer executable and follow the steps in the install wizard. The installer package for windows is called 1Gateway-2.5.9-windows-installer.exe. 


After the installation, if you checked the option to launch 1Gateway, you will see the following screen:


Enter the value ´admin´ for both the userid and password and click on the ´LOGIN´ button.

*Note: If you did not choose the option to launch 1Gateway at the end of the installation, simply navigate to http://localhost:8090 to launch 1Gateway

The resulting screen is the status overview screen.


Install Licenses

Make sure you are in administrator mode, navigate to system maintenance, and drag and drop your license file onto the file upload area at the top of the screen, or click within this area to select your license file from your file system.

Now return to the status screen by clicking on 1Gateway logo in the header at the top right of your screen or by choosing ´Status Overview´ from the dropdown menu. You should now see that the plugins are licensed and ready for configuration.

Configure the plugins

Dynatrace sender plugin

Select "Edit" from the Dynatrace Sender plugin's context menu.

Enter the name of your Dynatrace server and click on “PROFILES” at the top to configure your customer environments.

Click on “ADD PROFILE” to configure your first environment.


CAUTION: The name you enter in the profile needs to be exactly the same as the name of the customer defined in APM!

Field name

Supported values


Dynatrace server

URL to Dynatrace Instance

Dynatrace server.


Any string

Dynatrace API key

NOTE: Known issue – the TEST button does not work, and always returns “Test failed”. This does not indicate that the environment is incorrect. This issue will be resolved in a future release.

NOTE: The outbound message that is sent to Dynatrace needs to contain an "enviroment" key with the name of the plugin profile defined. This can be changed in the Dynatrace sender mapper

Servicetrace APM poller plugin

Click on the three dots at the right top of the Servicetrace APM Poller plugin and select “Edit”:

Enter the name of your APM server and the Administrator API key and a polling interval in seconds. The system will poll APM for new run results at this interval. Recommended value is 300 seconds, or every 5 minutes. Other configuration values may be required based on your particular data polling needs and are described in the following table.

Field name

Default/suggested value


Database configuration fields
Use database?True / false

If true, the plugin will poll for data from the APM database directly. If false, it will poll for the data through the Servicetrace APM REST API.

If true, configure the database configuration fields, otherwise they can be left blank.

Use windows authentication?True / false

If true, uses windows authentication in the JDBC connection string (appart of the sandard SQL authetication fields set, integratedSecurity, authenticationScheme and domain are also set)

If false, uses SQL authentication in the JDBC connection stirng (only sets dsatabaseName, UserName and Password)

Database hostn/aHost of the SQL server used the Servicetrace APM 
Database domainn/a

Only used in "Use windows authentication?" flag is set. Domain used for authentication

Database usern/a

Username used for SQL / windows authentication

Database passwordn/a

Password of the user used for SQL / windows authentication

Database namen/a

Name of the database to connect to

Field parameterid

Name of the identification field in the message

Field default value1Default value of the identification field in the message. Only used in first poll.
Servicetrace APM configuration fields

Servicetrace server


Servicetrace server or IP



Servicetrace API Key

URI Schemahttp
Maximum delay in APM data (minutes)5The maximum out of sequence data that we allow for. Should be longer that the longest runtime of any APM script
Maximum interval for run results in APM (minutes)121The longest schedule interval in APM + 1. If APM scripts are run every two hours, then 121 minutes will result in capture of all data.
Oldest data to retrieve (hours)2Always set to two hours when used with Dynatrace.
Refresh customers and services every (hours)2Depends on the frequency that customers are added to APM. We check for new customers at startup. If customers are added frequently, this value should reflect that.
Polling interval300Polling interval in seconds (recommended is 300)
SQL query file pathdata/catalog/plugins/plugin-stapm-poller/${version}/support_files/query.sqlPath to the SQL query to run in case Use Database? is true

Once you have finished configuring your plugin, the following status screen will appear:


Activate the plugins

Activate the plugins and confirm that messages are being retrieved from APM Servicetrace by the poller and sent to Dynatrace

Activate Dynatrace sender plugin

Click on the three vertical dots for the Dynatrace plugin and choose the 'activate' option. 

Activate Servicetrace APM poller plugin

Click on the three vertical dots for the APM plugin and choose the 'activate' option. 

Check result

Click on 'Show messages' in the Servicetrace APM poller plugin to check that messages are being collected from APM. Click on 'Show messages' on the Dynatrace sender plugin to check that messages from APM are being transformed into a Dynatrace format.

Check Dynatrace for results:
