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The 1Gateway sender plugin sends messages from one instance of 1Gateway to another, allowing inter-gateway communication. 



Make sure you have the 1gateway zip file that includes the plugin files and valid licences information ready. This file has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.

To send metrics and events from one 1Gateway instance to another, configure the endpoint of the second 1Gateway instance. The endpoint will be: http://1gateway-server/ws/rest/send?token=*** The value of the token is an administrator user token.

See also