
The Ceeview sender plugin sends metrics, events and assets from 1Gateway into Ceeview. The messages get mapped to a format that the Ceeview sender plugin can process and converted to a JSON string that is sent to Ceeview through the Ceeview REST API.

In the CMDB use case, assets are also retrieved from Ceeview to create a replica collection. Pre-configured rules are used to match existing assets in the Ceeview replica to CI's in other systems. If a match is found, it is recorded in 1Gateway and updated in Ceeview. If its not, a new asset is created. Asset attributes can also be created. 


  • Ceeview version needs to be 2.3 or later
  • Ceeview token

To access the CeeView token, go to ceeview. Log in and go to Administration. Click on the user. The token is the authentication key shown.

Image 2. Get the token from Ceeview.

  • MongoDB installed and configured in 1Gateway (for CMDB use case only)


Make sure you have the Plugin zip file that has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.


An example of a JSON metric sent to CeeView is shown below. This message shows the current temperature in Madrid.

    "apiToken": "545d0...",
    "options" : "redraw=false",
    "data" : [
            "service": "MyService",
            "element": "Madrid",
            "qualifier": "temperature",
            "value" : "23.4"

Main configuration

Field name

Supported values



Valid IP address or hostname

CeeView server.

port number

Valid port number

CeeView port number.


 Api token

Token generated by CeeView for API authentication.

Generic sender plugin configuration

The following configuration fields are generic for all sender plugins.

Field nameSupported valuesDescription
Process 1Gateway messages (outboud)TickboxIf unticked, the plugin doesn't get any messages
TopicsFormatted string

String in the format: origin_endpoint.message_type.phase
To define more than one topic, separate with semicolon (;)

For more information on queues, click here.

QueuenameAny stringName of the queue in RabbitMQ. 
DurableTickboxIf ticked, will save the messages in the queue to disk when 1Gateway is down.
PrefechAny integerHow many messages to get from RabbitMQ at a time
ThreadsAny integerHow many threads to run in the sender
Filter expressionGroovy scriptGroovy expression that returns true if the filter has passed or false if it hasn't. If the filter does not pass for a specific message, that message won't get processed by the plugin. For more information on filters, click here.

Metric configuration

Field name

Supported values


Message type for metricsAny string1Gateway message type for Ceeview metrics. Needs to be the same as in the metric2ceeview mapper

Default asset

Any string

Default asset to associate metric with.

Default instance

Any string

Default name of metric instance.

Default category

Any string

Default metric category.

Default identifier

Any string

Default string that identifies the source of the metric.

Default unit

Any string

Default metric unit type.

Default type

Any string

Default metric data type.

Event configuration

Field name

Supported values


Message type for eventsAny string1Gateway message type for Ceeview events. Needs to be the same as in the state2ceeview mapper.

Default monitor name

Any string

Default monitor name.

Default asset name

Any string

Default asset name.

Default account id

Any string

Default identifier for the sub-account.

Default asset group

Any string

Default name of the asset-group associated with the monitor.

All of the fields in the metric and event configurations are the defaults for the messages and will only be populated in the message if there isn't an existing one already.

CMDB configuration

Field name

Supported values


Do not insert new CIsTickboxIf ticked, the plugin won't create new CIs and will only update existing CIs based on the match found.

Simulation mode


If in simulation mode, assets are saved in a simulation collection and are not sent to Ceeview.

CMDB replica collection

Any string

Name of the CMDB replica collectionwhere assets from Ceeview are stored. Used by matching rules to decide if there is a match between Ceeview assets and other systems CIs.

Replica expiration (in hours)Any integerExpiration time of the replica collection. If expired, replica collection will be rebuilt.

CMDB configuration profiles

Poller profiles

Polls for Ceeview CIs to populate replica collection.

Field name

Supported values


Message type

Any string

Message type of the asset polled for. These assets are inserted in the replica collection and used for matching.

API suffix

Any string

URL suffix to use. Default value is /mgmt/assets.

Run interval in seconds

Any integer

Interval between two poll cycles.  

Rule profiles

Defines rules to decide what CIs we consider a match. If the incoming asset has common field values as the CI in the CMDB, it is considered the same CI.

Field name

Supported values



Groovy script

Groovy script to evaluate the CI content and search for a match in the replica.


Any integer

See also

<See also>