
The SCOM sender plugin consists of two components: a 1Gateway plugin called ScomSender, and a SCOM Management Pack with associated SCOM connector code that need to be installed on the SCOM system. The SCOM plugin sends the messages to a queue which is then polled by the SCOM connector. 


  • Get 1Gateway API token

For each User an API token is generated. The API token is needed for some plugin configurations. Follow the steps below to access the API token. 
  1. Choose the option "My Account" in the Account Menu

  2. Copy the API Code and past it wherever you will need it


Plugin installation

Make sure you have the 1gateway zip file that includes the plugin files and valid licences information ready. This file has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.

4 - Restart

After the upload installation will be confirmed. Restart 1Gateway to ensure any locked files are updated.

Additional Components installation

The files needed for the SCOM plugin can be found in the installation package, in support_files/scom

Import SCOM management packs

The management packs can be found in /support_files/scom/ For detailed instructions see Importing SCOM management packs

Install SCOM connector service

The System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) Connector polls 1Gateway for events and metrics and sends them to SCOM. It can easily be configured and installed as a service in a Windows machine. The SCOM connector runs as a service called Faciligate Scom Connector and logs messages to faciligate.log.

Downloading the SCOM Connector

Download the SCOM Connector from /support_files/scom/

Configuring the SCOM Connector

The configuration file of the SCOM Connector is called 1GatewayScomConnector.exe.config. This configuration includes the URL's that point at the queues configured in the plugin.

The 1GatewayScomConnector.exe.config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2" />
        <add key="servername" value="[scom-management-server]" />
    	<add key="metricURL" value="http://[1gateway-url]:[port]/ws/rest/queue/ScomMetrics/10?token=[api-token]" />
    	<add key="eventURL" value="http://[1gateway-url]:[port]/ws/rest/queue/ScomEvents/10?token=[api-token]" />
    	<add key="discoveryURL" value="http://[1gateway-url]:[port]/ws/rest/info/ci?token=[api-token]&alarms=false" />
        <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="false"/>
        <trace autoflush="true">
                <add name="textWriterTraceListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="C:\tmp\log4net.txt" />
        <appender name="WriteToFile" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
            <file value="faciligate.log" />
            <staticLogFileName value="true" />
            <appendToFile value="true" />
            <rollingStyle value="Composite" />
            <maxSizeRollBackups value="1" />
            <maximumFileSize value="5MB" />
            <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
                <conversionPattern value="%date %-5level - %message%newline" />
            <level value="DEBUG" />
            <appender-ref ref="WriteToFile" />

The fields to configure in the SCOM connector configuration are in the appSettings element:

Event URL found below.

Field name

Supported values




Any string

SCOM Management Server



Valid url

Metric URL



Valid url

Event URL

discoveryURLValid urlDiscovery URLhttp://1gtw-server.domain.local:8090/ws/rest/info/ci?token=abcdfghjklmnopqrstufw&alarms=false

Edit the URLs in the configuration file to point at the 1Gateway server and fill in the 1Gateway API token.

Running the SCOM connector

The SCOM connector will be running as a service, which first needs to be created. First, configure the "create-service.cmd" file in /support_files/scom. Set the path to the SCOM connector and set the credentials used to run the service. Save the file and run it.


C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe ".\1GatewayScomConnector.exe"

SC START "FaciligateScomConnector"

The SCOM connector should appear now in the services list as "Faciligate Scom Connector". Start the service.

Once the service is running, SCOM should start receiving messages from 1Gateway.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.

The plugin configuration includes two check-boxes that indicate if to collect metrics and events.

Advanced configuration

In the advanced option, there are a few fields to configure for the event collection and for the metric collection. 

 Image 2. SCOM sender advanced configuration for metric collection 


Supported values



Queue name*

Any string


Name of the queue that collects metrics / events. Defaults are "ScomMetrics" and "ScomEvents" respectively.

Persist queue

True / false


Indicated if to persist messages from the metric and event queues to disk.

Maximum queue size

Any integer


Maximum size of messages that can go on the queues. Once this number is reached messages will be discarded in order of insertion. (FIFO)

Message type

Any string


Types of messages to collect in the metrics and events queue. Defaults are "ScomMetric" and "ScomEvent" respectively.

If the queue name is changed, the URL configured in the SCOM connector must also be changed to: http://1gateway-server/ws/rest/queue/new-queue-name/?token=***

See also