
The Solarwinds listener plugin collects data from Solarwinds via queries and sends it to 1Gateway as messages. The messages sent will then be processed in the core and sent on to the senders configured.



An installation of 1Gateway.


Make sure you have the Plugin zip file that has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.

Field name

Supported values


Solarwinds server

Valid ip address or hostname

Solarwinds server.

Solarwinds port number

Valid port number

Valid port number

Solarwinds user

Any string

Username for the query request authentication.

Solarwinds password

Any string

Password for the query request authentication.


Any string

Name of the Solarwinds instance (plugin identifier)

To configure new queries to run on Solarwinds, click on the profiles tab and click on Add SWPollerProfile button and give it a name.

The plugin profiles configuration includes a SWQL query to run. Text sample queries are provided in the table below.

Field name

Supported values


Active profile

True / false

Indicates wheather to run the profile

SWQL query to be executed

Valud SWQL query

Query to run each poll interval

Use paging?True / falseUse paging in the query

Field parameter

Any string

Parameter in the query to run as the where field (to avoid duplicate data)

Field default valuie

Any string

Starting parameter value

Message type

Any string

Defines the type of messages produced by the plugin, which will later be used in the mappers (message normalization). 

Run interval in seconds

Any integer

Poll interval (default is 300) in seconds.


Type of dataMessage typeSWQL queryField parameterField default value
MetricsSolarwindsMultipleMetricSELECT Y.Lastsync , X.AvgResponseTime , X.MinResponseTime , X.MaxResponseTime , X.ResponseTime , X.PercentLoss , X.CPULoad , X.MemoryUsed , X.PercentMemoryUsed , X.LastBoot , X.SystemUpTime , X.NodeID , Y.Caption FROM Orion.NodesStats X inner join Orion.Nodes AS Y on X.nodeid = Y.nodeid WHERE Y.LastSync > '?'LastSync1
EventsSolarwindsEventSELECT e.EventTime , e.EventTypeProperties.Name , e.Message , e.Nodes.Caption , n.WebUri FROM Orion.Events e JOIN Orion.NodeWebUri n ON n.NodeID = e.NetObjectID WHERE e.NetObjectType = 'N' AND e.EventID > 1 AND e.EventTime > '?' ORDER BY e.EventTime DESCEventTime1
AlertsSolarwindsAlertSELECT x.AlertHistoryID, x.EventType, x.Message, x.TimeStamp, x.AccountID, x.AlertActiveID, x.AlertObjectID, x.ActionID, y.caption, y.ipaddress FROM Orion.AlertHistory x inner join Orion.Nodes AS y on x.alertobjectid = y.nodeid WHERE x.TimeStamp > '?' ORDER BY x.TimeStamp DESCTimestamp1
CIsSolarwindsCISELECT n.DNS, n.NodeID, n.NodeName, n.Caption, n.IPAddress, n.NodeDescription, n.Description, n.sysname, n.MachineType, n.Vendor, n.IOSImage, n.IOSVersion, n.IsServer, n.Category FROM Orion.Nodes n JOIN Orion.NodesCustomProperties cp on n.NodeID = cp.NodeID ORDER BY n.NodeID ASCn/an/a

See also