
The FireScope listener waits for events to be pushed from FireScope into 1Gateway and pulls CI's from FireScope in a polling cycle.


  • Make sure the machine where the 1gateway is running is reachable for the external product.
  • API token to push data into 1gateway.

For each User an API token is generated. The API token is needed for some plugin configurations. Follow the steps below to access the API token. 

  1. Choose the option "My Account" in the Account Menu

  2. Copy the API Code and past it wherever you will need it


Make sure you have the Plugin zip file that has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.

Push events

Field name

Supported values


Plugin ID

Any string

String to identify the source of the messages. Should be firescope

To push data into 1Gateway, use http POST requests to the /ws/rest/send endpoint, specifying an API token on the URL.





Request parameters




1Gateway API token

pidPlugin ID defined in the plugin configuration (firescope)
typeMessage type. Used in the mappers


The body needs to be JSON and will be parsed as one message. A mapper is used to normalize the data.

Retrieve CIs

To retrieve CIs from Firescope, define an endpoint name and the credentials used by the API.

Field name

Supported values


Endpoint name

Any string

String to identify the Firescope system

HTTP usernameAny stringUsers username used to call the Firescope API
HTTP passwordAny stringUsers password used to call the Firescope API

Define a polling profile for each piece of information to retrieve (i. e. CI, CI relationship, etc)

Field name

Supported values


Example value


Valid URL

URL to call on each polling cycle
URL uses pagingTIckboxTick if paging is needed in the URL. Untick otherwiseTrue
Results per pageAny integerNumber of results to get in each call. Default value is 5050
Message typeAny stringMessage type of incoming messsages from Firescope. Used in mappers to convert to other formats.FirescopeCI
HTTP usernameAny stringUsers username used to call the Firescope APIJSmith
HTTP passwordAny stringUsers password used to call the Firescope API***
Run interval in secondsAny integerPoll interval (default is 300) in seconds.120

If no username and password are defined in the poller profile, the username and password defined in the plugin are used instead.

See also