

The firescope sender collects single messages or messages in bulk from 1Gateway and sends them to Firescope. The single messages will be a single insert of an incident while the messages sent in bulk will replace all existing incidents from Firescope.


The Firescope sender sends Configuration Items (CI's) from 1Gateway into Firescope SDDM. The messages get mapped to a format that the Firescope CMDB plugin can process and converted to a JSON string that is sent to Firescope through the Ivanti REST API.

CI's are also retrieved from Firescope SDDM to create a replica collection. Pre-configured rules are used to match existing CI's in the Firescope replica to CI's in other systems. If a match is found, it is recorded in 1Gateway and updated in Firescope SDDM. If its not, a new CI is created.



There are no prerequisites.


  • MongoDB installed and configured in 1Gateway


Make sure you have the Plugin zip file that has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.


Field name

Supported values


Firescope server

Any string

Firescope server or IP

Firescope port number

Any integer

Firescope port number

UsernameAny stringUsername to authenticate with
PasswordAny stringUsernames password


Main configuration

Field name

Supported values


Firescope server

Any string

Firescope server (IP address or Domain name).

Firescope port number

Any integer

Firescope port number

UsernameAny stringUsername to authenticate with
PasswordAny stringUsernames password

Max queue size

Any integer

Size of the queue of incoming messages.

DiscardTickboxDiscard messages when queue is full.
Filter expressionValid expressionFuture use
Endpoint nameAny stringName of the Firescope system (plugin identifier).

CMDB configuration

Field name

Supported values


Simulation mode


If in simulation mode, CIs are saved in a simulation collection and are not sent to the CMDB.

CMDB replica collection

Any string

Name of the CMDB replica collection where CIs from the CMDB are stored. Used by matching rules to decide if there is a match between the CMDB CIs and other systems CIs.

Outbound message processing


Future use

Outbound message types

Any string

Future use

CMDB configuration profiles

Poller profiles

Field name

Supported values


CI message type

Any string

Message type of the asset polled for. These CIs are inserted in the replica collection and used for matching.


Any string

Firescope SDDM acount to poll for

Run interval in seconds

Any integer

Interval between two poll cycles.  

Rule profiles

Field name

Supported values


Message type

Any string

Message type in the replica collection to evaluate

Rule type*

Any string

Future use

Comma-separated list of fields

Any string

List of fields to match on. If the incoming asset has the same field value as the CI in the CMDB, it is considered the same CI.


Any integer

See also