The Convert date-time to epoch mapping converts a date-time field in any format to a timestamp in seconds. The valid patterns are defined here:
The attributes that need to be set in this mapping are:
Attribute | Required | Description |
from | Y | Defines the field name before mapping. |
to | Y | Defines the field name after mapping. |
precedence | N | Defines the precedence used when mapping. |
Function type | Y | Defines the function type of mapping. Needs to be "String function". |
Function | Y | Defines the type of mapping. Needs to be "Date conversion". |
conversion | Y | Defines the pattern of the incoming value. |
This mapping converts the value from the conversion type to a timestamp in EPOCH.

In this example, the value of lastcheck is split to get the first part that includes the date and time and then converted to EPOCH.
To convert the value "24.07.2019 15:32:15", use the conversion "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss".