A lookup table mapping maps the value of a field as opposed to standard mappings which only map the name. The mapping points at a certain lookup table mapping, which is defined separately. To define a lookup table mapping the mapping type needs to be set to "lookup table". There is an optional "defaultvalue" attribute that defines the default value applied if none of the mappings in the lookup table match. If "defaultvalue" is not defined and none of the mappings in the lookup table match, the value remains unchanged. The attributes that need to be set in a lookup table mapping are:
Attribute | Required | Description |
from | Y | Defines the field name before mapping. |
to | Y | Defines the field name after mapping. |
precedence | N | Defines the precedence used when mapping. |
Function type | Y | Defines the function type of the mapping. Needs to be "Enrichment/lookup functions" |
Function | Y | Defines the type of mapping. Needs to be "lookup table". |
lookup table | Y | Defines the lookup table to use. |
default value | N | Defines the default value to use if the value is not found in the lookup table |
The lookup table is defined separately. The attributes that need to be set in the lookup table are:
Attribute | Required | Description |
from | Y | Defines the field value before mapping |
to | Y | Defines the field value after mapping |
The lookup table maps the values, while the mapping set maps the field names. If none of the from values match the value in the message, a default value can be applied (in the mapping).

In this example, the metric2ceeview_type2category lookup table is used to translate a metric/type incoming from 1Gateway into a category that CeeView can process.