The plugins that are connected to 1Gateway define the integrations of the different monitoring products. There are two types of plugins:

  • Inbound plugins: collect data from an external source and sends it as messages into 1Gateway
  • outbound plugins: pass messages from 1Gateway to other systems.

Image 1. Definition of plugin types


Make sure you have the 1gateway zip file that includes the plugin files and valid licences information ready. This file has been provided to you with the installation files.

1 - Login

Login to 1gateway, and make sure you are in "Advanced mode". If this is the first time you log in, the default user and password are both 'admin' (without the quotes).

2 - System Maintenance

Click on the menu icon and choose the option "System maintenance"

3 - Upload file

In the System maintenance view you can either drag and drop the downloaded zip file or select it by clicking the "choose file" button.


Plugin configuration and other options are accessible through the menu on the plugin card on the message diagram page.


Image 1. Actions to take on a plugin appear in the side bar on the right

For the plugins that appear in the diagram, the actions that can be taken are:

  • Restart / Activate: restart / start collecting / sending data to the endpoint
  • Deactivate: stop collecting / sending data to the endpoint
  • Edit: edit plugin configuration. Double click on the plugni to edit it.
  • Delete: put the plugin in draft mode
  • Download: download the plugin configuration
  • Show messages: show the messages that have been collected form the endpoint or sent to the endpoint
  • Trace information: used for debugging

Add New Plugin

Open the main menu and click on "New plugin"

Select the plugin you want to configure. Use the Filter field if needed.

Continue with the configuration as described here.

Restart / Activate / Deactivate

Click deactivate to stop the plugin. While a plugin is deactivated it does not collect data from an endpoint and does not send data to an endpoint.

When a plugin is deactivated, click Activate to start collecting / sending data again.


Basic and advanced users have different generic configuration fields to modify. For Plugin specific configuration options please refer to the plugin list.

Basic User Mode

  • Name: plugin name, must be unique.
  • Active: indicates whether to activate the plugin on 1Gateway startup or not. If it's not checked, the plugin will need to be started manually after startup.

Advanced User Mode

An advanced user can configure traffic and load information for every plugin.

ParameterPlugin typeValue
Save queue on diskSendertrue/false

It defines if the message queue of a plugin should be persisted on disk. If it’s set to true the messages will be persisted to disk, preventing message loss. If it is set to false, the messages will not be persisted to disk. In this case, if there is an error (1Gateway fails to connect to an endpoint, for example), messages will be lost. The default value of the PersistQueue parameter is false. During graceful shutdown, queues are drained or saved to disk (depending on this parameter).
Maximum queue sizeSenderNumeric

Defines the maximum size of the queue in number of messages. The default maximum size is 1000000 messages. When a sender queue is full (reached the MaxQueueSize), messages are discarded.
Throttle traffic volumeSender / Listenertrue/false

Allow throttling when plugin can’t keep up. For more information click here.
Discard messages when queue is fullSendertrue/false

Discard messages when queue reaches the maximum queue size. For more information click here.
Debug loggingSender / Listenertrue/false

Shows more information in the log for that plugin.

In addition, when in advanced mode you can add new mappers and filters or edit existing ones.

Apply changes

A configured plugin is only put into production when applying changes.

The save button saves a draft version of the plugin.


Deleting a plugin in production puts it in draft mode. To delete it permanently, delete the draft version as well.


Click on "Download" to get the plugin configuration in JSON.

Show Messages

Click on "Show messages" to view the messages that pass through a specific plugin. In the case where the plugin has a configured mapper, some or all messages will be Composite Messages, that will include the evolution of the message. The message dialog has a filter that allows the user to filter messages by any field.

Click on the arrow to get details of each message.